Dear Readers,
You may have already noticed from the media that a distinguished guest, H. E. Mr. Zeng Qinghong, Vice President of the People’s Republic of China, is now in Jamaica for a three-day official visit. And while you are reading this message of mine, the first ministerial conference of the China-Caribbean Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum and the China-Caribbean Trade Fair co-sponsored by the Governments of Jamaica and the People’s Republic of China, are being inaugurated in Kingston.
Before arriving in Kingston, Vice President Zeng has just finished his visit to 4 other countries including Mexico, Peru, Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago. The visit to Jamaica at the highest level by the Chinese leader over the past 10 years, demonstrates the great importance attached by the Chinese Government to its friendly and cooperative relations with Jamaica. His attendance of some of the functions of the Forum will surely bring the China-Caribbean relations to a new height. As the Chinese Ambassador to Jamaica, I am very proud to see that never before have the relations between China and Jamaica been so close, never before have the trade and cultural links between the two countries been so forcefully strengthened, and never before have our two peoples been so greatly inspired to work together for a even stronger partnership, augured by the successful visit to Jamaica by Vice President Zeng.
You might be curious about the busy programme of Vice President Zeng. Yesterday, shortly after His Excellency’s arrival in Kingston, he had a constructive talk with the Most Honourable Prime Minister Patterson and a very fruitful discussion with the Most Honourable Governor General. Besides reaffirming their dedication to continuously developing the mutually beneficial relations between the two countries, the leaders exchanged views on many regional and international issues of common concern. At the opening ceremony of the Forum this morning, Vice President Zeng and Prime Minister Patterson will elaborate on the importance for both China and the Caribbean world to maintain the current momentum of exchanges and cooperation and to establish a closer relationship between the two sides. China takes Jamaica and furthermore the Caribbean countries as genuine friends and important partners as Vice President Zeng formally proposes during the visit that China will establish a Relationship of Friendship and Partnership for Common Development with Jamaica. It could be safely assumed that this strategic orientation will guide the future development of our relations along the fast track of exchanges and cooperation. Also in the visit, the Chinese Government announces its decisions to provide aid gratis of 30 million RMB and concessional loan of 150 million RMB to the Jamaican Government, grant the Authorized Destination Status to Caribbean countries including Jamaica, and send 1 Chinese language instructor to the University of the West Indies, Mona campus.
Let me say a few more words on the first ministerial conference of the China-Caribbean Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum. This Forum, co-sponsored by the Governments of the People’s Republic of China and Jamaica, is a great event for both China and the Caribbean countries. The past few years have witnessed a steady growth of political cooperation and economic and trade exchanges between our two sides, which has encouraged us to further promote understanding and cooperation for the mutual benefit. Against this backdrop, the Chinese initiative to hold the first Ministerial Conference of the Forum has been well received and warmly welcomed by many Caribbean countries. For 3 days from today on, Kingston will be a bustling center of the Caribbean region where political and business leaders of the region will be gathering to discuss, under the theme of promoting cooperation and common development, issues concerning economic and trade cooperation between China and the region. Trade, agriculture, tourism, fishery, science and technology, aviation and finance will be highlighted topics of the conference. Today, ministers attending the conference will put their signatures to the Guiding Framework of Economic and Trade Cooperation of the China – Caribbean Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum – 2005 Ministerial Conference. I believe, this forum will be long remembered as a landmark in the history of our successful and fruitful cooperation and it will surely open a new chapter of our friendly relations.
My best wishes for the success of both Vice President Zeng Qinghong’s visit to Jamaica and the Forum.
一到安曼机场,我们立刻有了一种与观光旅游时迥然不同的异样感觉,到处是荷枪实弹的军警人员,安检比平时要严格得多。担心安检升级,会耽误我们登机,于是我们决定不去头等舱休息室,直奔登机口。半道上,有一位个头高大的洋人友好地与我搭讪,听说我们是要飞往巴格达后,用浓重的澳大利亚口音大声笑道“真勇敢!“(Courageous men!)。真是过五关斩六将,经过层层安检,我们终于登上了预定的波音737约旦皇家航空公司(Royal Jordanian Airlines)RJ812号航班。
安顿落座后,漂亮端庄的约旦空姐,和蔼可亲地给我们送上湿毛巾和香槟饮料。我则一如往常,先抓了一本装帧精美的航空杂志,埋头翻阅起来。 此时,坐在里座的老田突然用胳膊肘捅了我两下,并用四川话轻声对我努努嘴说“法特,法特”。我被搞得莫名其妙,但顺着他的目光一抬头,顿时惊呆了,那位头戴标志性提花头巾的阿拉法特,在几个保镖的前呼后拥下,匆匆从我身边疾步而过。有趣的是,这位赫赫有名的巴勒斯坦解放组织主席并没有在头等舱停留,而是径直往经济舱方向往后走去。阿拉法特及其随行刚刚步入机舱,机组人员迅速关上了舱门,飞机旋即开始向跑道滑行。
笔者生于29年前的7月28日。 29个春秋过后,有幸有机会飞越南太平洋,作大洋洲之游。7月27日晚新西兰时间22时许,我告别了这个水草肥美,小巧富庶的岛国,由奥克兰飞往西萨摩亚。