Book Launch Event:“Citizen of New Confucianism” by Dr. Xu Chengzhi
时间:2023-11-14 来源:公共外交网

【PND News】Beijing, China - On November 13, 2023, a distinguished gathering convened at the Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Residence Compound to celebrate the release of Dr. Xu Chengzhi’s latest book, Citizen of New Confucianism. The event was marked by insightful speeches, engaging discussions, and a palpable atmosphere of intellectual exchange.



The launch event drew a distinguished audience, including H.E.Mr. Fabrizio Hochschild, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations; H.E.Mr. Shen Guofang, former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations, Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman; H.E.Mr. Sergey Manasaryan, Ambassador of Armenia to China; H.E.Madam Venus Rincon, Spouse of the Ambassador of Venezuela to China; H.E.Madam Maria dos Ramos, Minister Counselor of Venezuela Embassy in China, among others. The presence of guests from these diverse nations underscored the universal applicability and value of Confucian ideals in fostering mutual understanding and cultural exchange.



The event commenced with heartfelt addresses from Mr. Bob Song, President of Royal Collins Publishing Group Inc., H.E.Mr. Fabrizio Hochschild and H.E.Mr. SHEN Guofang, each sharing their unique perspectives on the enduring significance of Confucian philosophy in today's interconnected world. Their speeches set the stage for an event of intellectual exploration and cultural enlightenment. Dr. Xu then took the stage to expound on the concept of an ideal Confucian society and the practical methods for its realization. He also delved into the key factors within Confucian thought that are believed to propel economic development. The audience was captivated by Dr. Xu's ability to bridge ancient wisdom with contemporary challenges, making the complex philosophy accessible to a broad audience.


Following Dr. Xu's illuminating talk, the three esteemed guests joined him on stage to unveil the new book collectively. This symbolic moment signified the collaborative effort to bring forth a work that promises to enrich the understanding of Confucianism in the context of today's world.


The event concluded with a dynamic roundtable discussion, where participants from diverse backgrounds shared their thoughts on the presented ideas. Attendees voiced their opinions on the relevance of Confucian principles in fostering a harmonious modern world and a conducive environment for sustainable economic growth. Dr. Xu expressed his gratitude to the attendees for their active participation, emphasizing the importance of continued dialogue on these vital philosophical topics.




The book launch event for Citizen of New Confucianism was a resounding success, marking a significant milestone in the ongoing dialogue surrounding the applicability of Confucian philosophy in our rapidly evolving world.
