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EU-China agreement protecting geographical indications enters into force
时间:2021-03-06 来源:欧盟驻华代表团

Brussels, 01/03/2021

Today the EU-China bilateral agreement, protecting geographical indications (GIs) in China and Europe entered into force. The agreement protects around 200 iconic European and Chinese agri-food names against imitation and usurpation, bringing mutual trade benefits and introducing consumers to guaranteed, authentic products from two regions with a rich culinary and cultural tradition.


The EU list of  GIs to be protected in China includes iconic GI products such as Cava, Champagne, Feta, Irish whiskey, Münchener Bier, Ouzo, Polska Wódka, Porto, Prosciutto di Parma and Queso Manchego. Among the  Chinese GI products, the list includes for example Pixian Dou Ban (Pixian Bean Paste), Anji Bai Cha (Anji White Tea), Panjin Da Mi (Panjin rice) and Anqiu Da Jiang (Anqiu Ginger).

In the course of the next four years as of today, the agreement will expand to cover an additional 350 GI names from both sides. These names will have to follow the same approval procedure as the names already covered by the agreement (i.e. assessment and publication for comments).


The Chinese market has high-growth potential for European food and drinks. In 2020, China was the third destination for EU agri-food products, reaching €16.3 billion between January to November. It is also the second destination of EU exports of GI products, accounting for 9% by value, including wines, agri-food products and spirit drinks. Chinese consumers appreciate the safety, quality and authenticity of European agrifood. European consumers will be able to discover genuine Chinese specialties thanks to this agreement.

China and the EU will now work together with many cooperation and promotion projects to ensure good implementation and enforcement of the agreement on each other’s market, and promotion of their iconic GI names.



With over 3,300 geographical indications registered in the European Union, EU quality policy aims at protecting the names of specific products to promote their unique characteristics linked to their geographical origin as well as traditional know-how.

Around 1,600 non-EU GIs are also protected within the EU, thanks to similar bilateral agreements such as this one with China. These agreements also protect EU GIs in partner countries: some 40,000 instances of protection of EU GIs around the world.

In value terms, the market for EU geographical indications is around €75 billion, or 7% of EU food and drink. GI exports of about €17 billion account for over 15% of total EU food and drink exports.